
EaglerForge ModAPI Documentation

The EaglerForge ModAPI is housed in a global JavaScript object stored on globalThis, called ModAPI or PluginAPI. (both are identical)

Important Notice!

From people used to the doc prior to EaglerForgeInjector, now, when you see something like ModAPI.world’s type is World, that literally means it is identical to an instance of net.minecraft.world.World from java. For easier modding, here are some online javadocs, that explain properties from each individual method and proerty of every 1.8 class:

https://nurmarvin.github.io/Minecraft-1.8-JavaDocs/overview-summary.html - Javadoc for vanilla 1.8 https://eaglerreborn.github.io/javadoc/ - EaglerReborn (EF precursor) javadoc, for EaglercraftX u17 (missing serverside classes, this version didn’t have singleplayer) An up-to-date javadoc for EaglercraftX is coming soon, in the meanwhile, I recommend modding with a local EaglercraftX workspace, so you can inspect the contents of each class.

Additionally, when you se that something like ModAPI.mcinstance is Raw<Minecraft> this means that it has a lot of TeaVM nonsense like ‘$’ prefixes before everything, as well has making it difficult to call the objects methods.

Global ModAPI Object:

The global object has the following properties:

The ModAPI object has the following methods:

Handling strings, numbers and booleans to and from java.

Java strings and JavaScript strings are not the same. Calling a method like this: ModAPI.player.sendChatMessage("hello world"), will not work, as you are running a Java method with a JavaScript string. To convert a JS string to a Java string, use ModAPI.util.str(yourString). For example, the correct version of the above example is ModAPI.player.sendChatMessage(ModAPI.util.str("hello world")). This problem is automatically mitigated on a few functions, namely ModAPI.displayToChat().

Java numbers and JavaScript numbers are stored the same way, with no problems with having to cast, like with strings. This is why you can simply do something like ModAPI.player.motionY = 99999, without having to do any conversion.

Booleans in Java are stored as a number, where 1 means true and 0 means false. There are no functions for converting inbetween these, because it is very easy to do so (unlike strings). To convert a javascript boolean into a java boolean simply multiply you boolean by 1.


var myBool = true;
console.log(myBool * 1);
// logs '1'

var myBool = false;
console.log(myBool * 1);
// logs '0'

Better yet, if you need to use booleans very often, just store them as numbers directly in javascript. JavaScript if statements already recognise 0 as false, so something like:

var condition = 0;
if (condition) {
} else {
// outputs 'no'

will work out of the box.

Accessing raw data

In ModAPI’s architecture, when you request an object like ModAPI.player, instead of giving you ModAPI.mcinstance.$thePlayer, it will return a TeaVM_to_Recursive_BaseData_ProxyConf proxy. These automatically remove the $ prefixes, make instance methods run with the actaul object, and a variety other features.

However, when calling methods via ModAPI.hooks, ModAPI.reflect, or even just running a method that takes in object arguments on something like ModAPI.player, passing in these ModAPI proxies will cause an error.

To pass in raw java data simply call getRef() on the proxy which will return the raw, unmodified version of it.

For example, take the method setRenderViewEntity() on ModAPI.mcinstance. Instead of passing an entity from ModAPI.world.loadedEntityList.get(index) directly, you need to use ModAPI.world.loadedEntityList.get(index).getRef(). Demo code:

var entityIndex = 1; //Index of the entity to look for. 0 means first, which is usually the player, so 1 is usually a natural entity.

Corrective Proxies

By default, accessing a global like ModAPI.player will return a proxy to the original player that removes $ prefixes, as well as making instance methods callable. TeaVM has a quirk where it adds numerical suffixes to some properties. For example ModAPI.player.inGround0 instead of ModAPI.player.inGround. As this is a large issue due to these suffixes changing for every eaglercraft update, you can now bypass this by obtaining a corrective version of ModAPI.player, using ModAPI.player.getCorrective().

For example:

ModAPI.player.inGround //returns undefined
ModAPI.player.inGround0 //returns 1 or 0, the correct value

ModAPI.player.isCorrective() //returns false

var correctedPlayer = ModAPI.player.getCorrective();

correctedPlayer.inGround //returns 1 or 0, the correct value
correctedPlayer.inGround0 //returns 1 or 0, the correct value

correctedPlayer.isCorrective() //returns true

You can check if an object is corrective using <object>.isCorrective();

Accessing children of a corrective object will also make them corrective. correctedPlayer.fishEntity.isCorrective(); //true