
Compiling Eaglercraft with support for EFI

In recent updates of eaglercraft, compiling for EaglerForgeInjector has become a great deal more complicated. To enable reflection and disable obfuscation, follow these steps once you have an EaglercraftX workspace set up:

  1. In any files named build.gradle, set the obfuscate property to false.
  2. In any files named build.gradle, find any code that looks like this:
     tasks.named("generateJavaScript") {
         doLast {
             // NOTE: This step may break at any time, and is not required for 99% of browsers
             def phile = file(folder + "/" + name)
             def dest = phile.getText("UTF-8")
             def i = dest.substring(0, dest.indexOf("=\$rt_globals.Symbol('jsoClass');")).lastIndexOf("let ")
             dest = dest.substring(0, i) + "var" + dest.substring(i + 3)
             def j = dest.indexOf("function(\$rt_globals,\$rt_exports){")
             dest = dest.substring(0, j + 34) + "\n" + file(folder + "/ES6ShimScript.txt").getText("UTF-8") + "\n" + dest.substring(j + 34)
             phile.write(dest, "UTF-8")

    and delete it.

  3. Inside of the src/teavm/java/net/lax1dude/eaglercraft/v1_8/internal/teavm/ folder, create a new file called ForceReflection.java, with these contents:
     package net.lax1dude.eaglercraft.v1_8.internal.teavm;
     public class ForceReflection {
         public static Object myObject;
         public static Object forceInit(Class iClass) {
             myObject = new ReflectiveClass();
             try {
                 myObject = iClass.newInstance();
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 // TODO: handle exception
             return myObject;
         public static class ReflectiveClass {
  4. In the same folder, edit MainClass.java edit the start of the main(String[] args) method to look like this:
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         if(args.length == 1) {
         //... rest of method
  5. Finally, build an offline download by using CompileJS.bat/CompileJS.sh and then MakeOfflineDownload.bat/MakeOfflineDownload.sh.
  6. You can then upload the EaglercraftX_1.8_Offline_en_US.html into EaglerForgeInjector.