
Custom Item Tutorial with ModAPI

This tutorial will cover making custom items with ModAPI. It is recommended that you follow the custom block tutorial first, as this tutorial is more fast-paced. The custom item we’ll be adding will set the player’s velocity to a random value when used, to demonstrate how methods can be overridden.

We’ll begin with a constant item texture encoded into a data URI, as well as some metadata.

(function CustomItemMod() {
    const itemTexture = "";

    ModAPI.meta.title("Custom Item Mod");
    ModAPI.meta.description("it's a custom item. what more do you want");
    ModAPI.meta.credits("By <author_name>");

Add a function that will contain the code to register the item called CustomItem. Inside it we’ll do something really similar to the custom blocks tutorial, where we’ll define a custom item class, and then register it (or, if on the server, wait until the bootstrap event fires). The reason it’s contained in a function is to make the job of running the same code on the server and client easier.

(function CustomItemMod() {

    function CustomItem() {
        var creativeMiscTab = ModAPI.reflect.getClassById("net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs").staticVariables.tabMisc; //chuck it in the miscellaneous category ig
        var itemClass = ModAPI.reflect.getClassById("net.minecraft.item.Item"); //Get the item class
        var itemSuper = ModAPI.reflect.getSuper(itemClass, (x) => x.length === 1); //Get the super() function of the item class that has a length of 1
        function CustomItem() {
            itemSuper(this); //Use super function to get block properties on this class.
            this.$setCreativeTab(creativeMiscTab); //Set the creative tab of the item to be the misc tab
        ModAPI.reflect.prototypeStack(itemClass, CustomItem); // ModAPI equivalent of `extends` in java
        CustomItem.prototype.$onItemRightClick = function ($itemstack, $world, $player) { //example of how to override a method
            //use ModAPI.util.wrap to create a proxy of the player and the world without $ prefixes on the properties and methods
            var player = ModAPI.util.wrap($player);
            var world = ModAPI.util.wrap($world);

            if (!world.isRemote) { //If we are on the server
                // Math.random() returns a number from 0.0 to 1.0, so we subtract 0.5 and then multiply by 2 to make it become -1.0 to 1.0 instead
                player.motionX += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 3;
                player.motionZ += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 3;

                player.motionY += Math.random() * 1.5; // gravity is a thing, so no negative numbers here otherwise it'll be boring
            return $itemstack;

        // Internal registration function. This will be used to actually register the item on both the client and the server.
        function internal_reg() {
            // Construct an instance of the CustomItem, and set it's unlocalized name (translation id)
            var custom_item = (new CustomItem()).$setUnlocalizedName(
            //Register it using ModAPI.keygen() to get the item id.
            itemClass.staticMethods.registerItem.method(ModAPI.keygen.item("custom_item"), ModAPI.util.str("custom_item"), custom_item);

            //Expose it to ModAPI
            ModAPI.items["custom_item"] = custom_item;
            //return the instance.
            return custom_item;

        //if the item global exists (and it will on the client), register the item and return the registered instance.
        if (ModAPI.items) {
            return internal_reg();
        } else {
            //Otherwise attatch the registration method to the bootstrap method.
            ModAPI.addEventListener("bootstrap", internal_reg);

Now let’s run the CustomItem function on the server and the client, and then use AsyncSink to create an in-memory resource pack to load item textures and models!

(function CustomItemMod() {
    const itemTexture = "...";

    ModAPI.meta.title("Custom Item Mod");
    ModAPI.meta.description("it's a custom item. what more do you want");
    ModAPI.meta.credits("By <author_name>");

    function CustomItem() {
        // ...

    // Run the function when the dedicated server loads.

    // Run the function on the client
    var custom_item = CustomItem();

    ModAPI.addEventListener("lib:asyncsink", async () => {
        ModAPI.addEventListener("lib:asyncsink:registeritems", (renderItem)=>{
            renderItem.registerItem(custom_item, ModAPI.util.str("custom_item"));
        AsyncSink.L10N.set("item.custom_item.name", "Cool Custom Item");
        AsyncSink.setFile("resourcepacks/AsyncSinkLib/assets/minecraft/models/item/custom_item.json", JSON.stringify(
                "parent": "builtin/generated",
                "textures": {
                    "layer0": "items/custom_item"
                "display": {
                    "thirdperson": {
                        "rotation": [ -90, 0, 0 ],
                        "translation": [ 0, 1, -3 ],
                        "scale": [ 0.55, 0.55, 0.55 ]
                    "firstperson": {
                        "rotation": [ 0, -135, 25 ],
                        "translation": [ 0, 4, 2 ],
                        "scale": [ 1.7, 1.7, 1.7 ]
        AsyncSink.setFile("resourcepacks/AsyncSinkLib/assets/minecraft/textures/items/custom_item.png", await (await fetch(

That’s it! Upload your completed mod, run .reload_tex in chat in a singleplayer world and use your new item!
completed mod