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The Mod API consists of a global JavaScript object on the window, called, very simply, ModAPI.

It has the following properties:

  • player: LocalPlayerData
    • A LocalPlayerData made from EntityPlayerSP. Regenerated every time the update event is called.
  • network: NetworkData
    • A NetworkData made from NetHandlerPlayClient. Regenerated every time the update event is called.
  • settings: GameSettingsData
    • A GameSettingsData made from GameSettings. Regenerated every time the frame event is called.
  • server: MultiPlayerData
    • A MultiPlayerData made from currentServerData. Regenerated every time the update event is called.
  • items: ItemData{}
    • A ItemData dictionary of all item types, and block-item types. [Auto]
  • blocks: BlockData{}
    • A BlockData dictionary of all block types. [Auto]
  • materials: MaterialData{}
    • A MaterialData dictionary of all the block materials. [Auto]
  • enchantments: EnchantmentData{}
  • sp: SingleplayerData
  • mcinstance: Object
    • This is the Minecraft instance exposed to JavaScript. It has no wrapping, and so many properties will be illegible. To use it, I would recommend editing the build.gradle in the workspace to set minifying: false; [Auto]
  • version: String
    • The version of the EaglerForge.
  • clientBrand: String
    • The brand of the Eaglercraft client, taken from

It has the following methods:

  • addEventListener(eventName: String, callback: Function) : void
  • require(componentName: String)
  • displayToChat({msg: String})
    • Displays client-side message to user's ingame chat gui.
  • uwuify({string: String})
    • uwuifys your string...
  • clickMouse()
    • Triggers a left click ingame.
  • rightClickMouse()
    • Triggers a right click ingame.
  • getFPS()
    • returns the current fps
  • currentScreen()
    • returns the current screen as a string
  • getdisplayHeight()
    • returns screen height
  • getdisplayWidth()
    • returns screen width
  • getFONT_HEIGHT()
    • returns the FONT_HEIGHT
  • getStringWidth({string: String}) : int
    • returns the width of a string based on minecraft's font
  • drawStringWithShadow({msg: String, x: Integer, y: Integer, color: Integer})
    • draws your string to screen and needs to be ran when the drawhud event is called. the color parameter needs be hex but # is replaced with 0x
  • drawString({msg: String, x: Integer, y: Integer, color: Integer})
    • same as drawStringWithShadow but dosnt draw the shadow
  • drawRect({left: Integer, top: Integer, right: Integer, bottom: Integer, color: Integer})
    • draws a rect to screen and needs to be ran when the drawhud event is called. the color parameter needs be hex but # is replaced with 0x
  • update()
    • Force triggers a Mod API update.

Passing 'Ref' objects

Eg: setCurrentItemOrArmor({slotIn: Integer, itemStack: ItemStackRef}) : void This method's itemStack parameter uses an 'ItemStackRef'. 'Refs' are short for 'references', as they are the root reference to a java object, not just a data wrapper. You can get a ref from a Data by using getRef(), as specified here.

Using non-auto properties

In order to use non-auto properties like ModAPI.player or, they must be required

Triggering data updates (reload())

To trigger the game to read your updated values, call the reload() method on the object.


ModAPI.player.motionY += 1;

Frequent calls to reload() may cause lag, so try to limit them

Logger API

Allows you to access the Log4J library from javascript. you can access it from ModAPI.logger.(method).

it has the following methods:

  • setlogger({name: String})
    • allows you to set the name of the logger
  • loginfo({string: String})
  • logerror({string: String})
  • logdebug({string: String})
  • logwarn({string: String})
  • logfatal({string: String})
  • logtrace({string: String})

Platform API

Allows you to shrimply access EagRuntime from javascript. you can access it from ModAPI.platform.(method).

it has the following methods:

  • isOfflineDownload() : Boolean
    • turns true if the client that loaded the mod is an offline download and turns false if the client is a website (using web folder)
  • freeMemory() : Integer
    • returns free memory
  • maxMemory() : Integer
    • returns max memory
  • totalMemory() : Integer
    • returns total memory
  • openLink({url: String})
    • opens a link in a new tab
  • getClipboard() : String
    • gets the user's clipboard
  • recSupported() : Boolean
    • checks if recording the screen is supported
  • toggleRec() : Void
    • toggles the screen recorder
  • getUserAgentString() : Void
    • returns the UserAgent
  • getGLRenderer() : Void
    • self explanatory
  • getGLVersion() : Void
    • returns the GL version