Allows you to access GlStateManager(please do some research before using this global. i have no idea what the methods/properties in this global do). ModAPI.GlStateManager.(methods/properties)
Has the following properties:
stateDepthMask : Boolean
stateCull : Boolean
stateFog : Boolean
stateGlobalBlend : Boolean
stateLighting : Boolean
It has the following methods:
pushMatrix() : void
popMatrix() : void
recompileShaders() : void
scale({x: Float, y: Float, z: Float})
translate({x: Float, y: Float, z: Float})
color({colorRed: Float, colorGreen: Float, colorBlue: Float, colorAlpha: Float})
rotate({angle: Float, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float})
matrixMode({mode: Integer})