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A typical EntityData object will have the following properties:

  • x: Number: Equal to the entity's posX.
  • y: Number: Equal to the entity's posY.
  • z: Number: Equal to the entity's posZ.
  • chunkCoordX: Number: Equal to the entity's chunkCoordX. (Read-only)
  • chunkCoordY: Number: Equal to the entity's chunkCoordY. (Read-only)
  • chunkCoordZ: Number: Equal to the entity's chunkCoordZ. (Read-only)
  • motionX: Number: Equal to the entity's motionX.
  • motionY: Number: Equal to the entity's motionY.
  • motionZ: Number: Equal to the entity's motionZ.
  • yaw: Number: Equal to the entity's rotationYaw.
  • pitch: Number: Equal to the entity's rotationPitch.
  • isInWeb: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isInWeb.
  • isCollided: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isCollided.
  • isCollidedVertically: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isCollidedVertically.
  • isCollidedHorizontally: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isCollidedHorizontally.
  • onGround: Boolean: Equal to the entity's onGround.
  • dimension: Integer: Equal to the entity's dimension. (Read-only)
  • id: Integer: Equal to the entity's entityId. (Read-only)
  • fallDistance: Number: Equal to the entity's fallDistance. (Read-only)
  • noClip: Boolean: Equal to the entity's noClip.
  • stepHeight: Number: Equal to the entity's stepHeight.
  • isDead: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isDead. (Read-only)
  • inPortal: Boolean: Equal to the entity's inPortal.
  • inWater: Boolean: Equal to the entity's inWater.
  • isAirBorne: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isAirBorne.
  • ticksExisted: Integer: Equal to the entity's ticksExisted. (Read-only)
  • invulnerable: Boolean: Equal to the entity's invulnerable.
  • isImmuneToFire: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isImmuneToFire.
  • isOutsideBorder: Boolean: Equal to the entity's isOutsideBorder.
  • entityCollisionReduction: Number: Equal to the entity's entityCollisionReduction.

It contains the following methods:

  • isBurning() : boolean
  • isPushedByWater() : boolean
  • isEating() : boolean
  • isEntityAlive() : boolean
  • isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock() : boolean
  • isImmuneToExplosions() : boolean
  • isImmuneToFire() : boolean
  • isInLava() : boolean
  • isInRangeToRender3d({x: number, y: number: z: number}) : boolean
  • isInRangeToRenderDist({distance: number}) : boolean
  • isInWater() : boolean
  • isInvisible() : boolean
  • isPushedByWater() : boolean
  • isRiding() : boolean
  • isSilent() : boolean
  • isSneaking() : boolean
  • isSprinting() : boolean
  • isWet() : boolean
  • setAir({air: integer}) : void
  • setAlwaysRenderNameTag({alwaysRenderNameTag: boolean}) : void
  • setAngles({yaw: number, pitch: number}) : void
  • setBeenAttacked() : void
  • setCustomNameTag({name: string}) : void
  • setDead() : void
  • setEating({eating: boolean}) : void
  • setEntityId({id: integer}) : void
  • setFire({seconds: integer}) : void
  • setFlag({flag: integer, set: boolean}) : void
  • setInWeb() : void
  • setInvisible({invisible: boolean}) : void
  • setLocationAndAngles({x: number, y: number, z: number, yaw: number, pitch: number}) : void
  • setOnFireFromLava() : void
  • setOutsideBorder({outsideBorder: boolean}) : void
  • setPosition({x: number, y: number, z: number}) : void
  • setPositionAndRotation({x: number, y: number, z: number, yaw: number, pitch: number}) : void
  • setPositionAndRotation2({d0: number, d1: number, d2: number, f: number, f1: number, var9: integer, var10: boolean}) : void
  • setPositionAndUpdate({d0: number, d1: number, d2: number}) : void
  • setRotation({yaw: number, pitch: number}) : void
  • setRotationYawHead({rotation: number}) : void
  • setSilent({isSilent: boolean}) : void
  • setSize({f: number, f1: number}) : void
  • setSneaking({sneaking: boolean}) : void
  • setSprinting({flag: boolean}) : void
  • setVelocity({x: number, y: number, z: number}) : void
  • getUUID() : string
  • getAir() : integer
  • getAlwaysRenderNameTag() : boolean
  • getAlwaysRenderNameTagForRender() : boolean
  • getBrightness({var1: number}) : number
  • getBrightnessForRender({var1: number}) : integer
  • getCollisionBorderSize() : number
  • getCollisionBoundingBox() : [AxisAlignedBB](
  • getCommandSenderEntity() : [EntityData](
  • getCustomNameTag() : string
  • getDisplayName() : string
  • getDisplayNameFormatted() : string
  • getDistance({x: number, y: number, z: number}) : number
  • getDistanceSq({x: number, y: number, z: number}) : number
  • getMountedYOffset() : number
  • getEntityId() : integer
  • getEntityString() : string
  • getEyeHeight() : number
  • getFlag({flag: integer}) : boolean
  • getMaxFallHeight() : integer
  • getMaxInPortalTime() : integer
  • getName() : string
  • getParts() : [Array<EntityData>](
  • getPortalCooldown() : integer
  • getRotationYawHead() : number
  • getSplashSound() : string
  • getSwimSound() : string
  • getYOffset() : number
  • getClassName() : string
  • getPositionVector() : [Vec3](
  • getPositionEyes({partialTicks: number}) : [Vec3](
  • getLook({partialTicks: number}) : [Vec3](
  • getLookVec() : [Vec3](
  • getVectorForRotation({yaw: number, float: number}) : [Vec3](
  • toNBT() : String
  • fromNBT({nbt: String}) : void